Monday, March 26, 2007



Visual images and sounds complement each other creating a way of expression, It’s combination create emotions that make people feel more alive, Therefore in the movie industry where the visual aspects Is a predominant factor audio becomes and important aspect use to outstand each feeling, emotion, or meaning which an image is trying to communicate. To create this level of emotion every sound in movies, is directed completely and works together with an Image, this is done through Foley.


1.1 What’s Foley?

The Foley technique was named for Jack Foley, a sound editor at Universal Studios. It is based on the art of creating sounds that accompany and enhance live action sound recorded for films. This process is done due to the fact that most of the time is better to record apart the sound to give the viewer a better audio quality s and therefore a more alive feeling. Nevertheless this sound quality is obtained by using unconventional implements and their purpose in a scene is to reproduce and enhance a noise that is not notice immediately by the viewer. Therefore, even is people doesn’t realize it most of the times the sound heard in a movie is simulate by an element different than the one seen in that instant.

1.2 Foley Artists

The Foley crew will include the artist or "walker," who makes the sound, and a technician or two to record and mix it. They are in charge to match the live sound effects with an action picture are known as Foley artist. They have to achieve the sounds required with everyday things. Therefore there capacity to be able to simulate and produce a specific sound from an ordinary element makes them artist with an incredible capacity of creativity and extremely developed audiles skills like rhythm and tempo. While for common people is hard to imagine a different sound coming from the objet which belongs to, professional artists have the ability to look at an object and imagine what type of sound can be made to produce.

Therefore the talent of a Foley artist is measured in how convincing the realism of the sound produced is. That’s how Foley artist can be seen as a kind of actors; they have to put themselves in the situation happening in the scene, they have to act the part of the scene where a sound is required. They study each sound, movement present in the daily life, how people walk, move, how nature sounds, all this to reproduce a real life atmosphere for the audience.

Foley requires three main components, clothes, moves, and specific elements, each of them is added in stages to a multi-track recorder and synchronized with the picture. This is achieved as the artist interacts with the element and as a result is obtain a natural sounding scene with no dialogue or soundfx.
2.1 Moves
The movement sound in a movie is done by recreating the sound of clothes of an actor, because there is no an specific sound that describes movement therefore what is heard in a movie is the clothes noises made when walking running, changing of position etc. To perform a moves track pieces of materials such as cotton, leather, plastic, are used, they are selected depending of what the actor is wearing in the scene. The sound of motion when a character interacts provides a background audio that represent minor movements in a scene, making it more realistic.
To record movement tracks, Foley artists stand or sit about 3feet near the microphone. They watch the screen and move as the actors in the scene do, trying to capture the action and record a constant motion sound. It is very important that the room is in absolute silence to try to avoid picking background noises.
2.2 Footsteps
One of the most important elements Foley artists provide is the sound of the footsteps. However not every step sounds the same, and therefore Foley studios are made of different kinds of surfaces such as wood, marble, glass and concrete.
When a character’s footstep is covered, a Foley artist must analyze the interaction (heavy, fast, silent, etc) transmitted between the steps and the surface in a scene. Depending of the surface and the step style they will select the appropriate shoes (heels, boots, and sneakers) and surfaces required in the film. To make the footsteps and image are synchronized and provide the feeling needed they will practice several times the movement before recording it.
2.3 Specifics
Anything an actor touches or effects is considered a Specific and recorded as a separate element. They are used to recreate the actual movements in an enhanced way. To create them Foley artists collect infinite props, however is not enough just to have them but to know how to use them, therefore they have specific tricks to perform a sound. (Gloves sound like bird wing flaps; an old chair makes a creaking sound).

3.1 Prop room

A Foley a studio is where the sound produce is recorded by the Foley crew. Different to a regular studio this one may appear to be a storage area where a variety of unconventional objects can be found. In a professional Foley Studio you can find different types of surfaces, objects clothes etc. The more equipped a prop room is, the easier for a Foley artist to work and are experiment new sounds.

3.2 Foley recording

A recording technique to obtain a good quality record audio is to have a proper microphone; it has to close to the object recorded to optimize the signal quality and avoid background noises. It is recommended to record effects with no ambient background sound to minimize audio interference.


From audio and video working together it appears the Foley technique as a way to communicate meanings and offer a more alive sensation. It can be conclude that although we might be most immediately conscious of the visual aspects of what we see on a screen or a stage, sounds, tell us something about a scene that visual images on their own don’t. Sound effects contribute significantly to the story-telling process in a film giving depth and realism to the audio, showing how by the used of unconventional elements sounds can be recreated. Therefore Foley proves that not everything you hear is what you see. However the fact the viewer is not aware of this, is what makes a Foley artist good at it.

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